METROCON MASSIVE 4 “America Largest Convention Rave” was again a huge success. Located in downtown Tampa, FL this event was in a 100,000 square foot arena, lunar moon bouncers, metrocon glow team, shuffle squad, massive stage, led walls, and of course lasers. This is an all age event and is a 3 day after party to Metrocon the Anime Convention. Day one was Rave Ghost Coast to Coast featuring: CHRIS INTENSIV, GELATO BROTHERS, and HARDCORE PLUR. Day two Deep Space Showdown featured: SYNCH WULF, TAMERAX, and RYPE. Day three Mechas & Maidens featured: FRACUS & DARWIN, ZOE VANWEST, and JIMNI CRICKET. The LASER ASSASSINS operated two 15watt RGB lasers provided by FullColorLasers.com